How accurate is Google Analytics' location?


by zion , in category: SEO Tools , 2 years ago

How accurate is Google Analytics' location?

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2 answers

by kyleigh.wolff , 2 years ago

@zion Google Analytics is estimated to be around 85-90% accurate for identifying a user's location. This accuracy can depend on the user's IP address and may be higher or lower in certain locations.


by susan , 9 months ago


Google Analytics uses the IP address of the user to determine their location. However, the accuracy of this method can vary due to factors such as the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) or proxy servers. In some cases, the IP address might not accurately reflect the user's physical location. Additionally, users can also disable or hide their IP address, leading to less accurate location data.

Overall, while Google Analytics provides a good estimate of a user's location, it is not always 100% accurate. It is important to consider that the reported location may have some margin of error.